Drug Education in Schools
There are many different programs that provide drug education in schools. One
thing that all of these programs have in common are that they are a preventative
measure against drug addiction. It is never too early to start. There are programs
designed for all age groups as young as elementary school to college level.
Drug education in schools helps the students by providing them with a comprehensive
prevention program designed to equip them with the life skills to recognize
and resist social pressures to experiment with alcohol and other drugs. Programs
are more beneficial if taught by specially trained professionals. This helps
to provide for a unique relationship between the professional and the student.
The interaction promotes a positive role model identification as well as healthy
bonding with a trusted adult.
The primary goal of drug education in schools is to prevent substance abuse
among school age children. Programs target children at an age when they are
most receptive to drug prevention education and before they are likely to have
experimented with alcohol and other drugs. These drug education programs look
to prevent adolescent substance abuse, thus reducing the demand for drugs. The
following objectives are often the focus of drug education programs in schools:
- Provides the skills of recognizing and resisting social pressures to experiment
with alcohol and drugs;
- Helps enhance self esteem;
- Teaches positive alternatives to substance abuse and other destructive behaviors
(particularly gangs and violence);
- Develops skills in risk-assessment, decision making and conflict resolution;
- Builds interpersonal and communication skills.
Many drug education programs are based around a "no-use message".
This message is life-skills based and focuses on peer pressure resistance training,
self-concept improvement, personal safety and decision-making skills. A wide
range of teaching techniques -- including interactive peer leadership and cooperative
learning groups - are used to encourage student participation and response.
Often times the curriculum is updated to keep it responsive to current research
findings, modern teaching methods and emerging social concerns regarding drugs
and violence.
Here are what experts generally consider to be the most effective drug prevention
strategies for adults working with young people:
- strengthening social skills, to support their ability to resist peer pressure
- fostering positive character traits and broad-based life skills, such as
empathy, impulse control, communication, stress management and assertiveness
- enhancing critical thinking, to understand and resist the detrimental influences
they may find in some popular media
- strengthening academic skills, to help them achieve success in school and
accompanying self-esteem, and to promote attachment to school and community
- fostering interactive learning, such as through discussions, rather than
giving lectures
- providing accurate and relevant information about drugs, alcohol, tobacco
and inhalants, and their use among young people, to rid children of any impression
that "everybody does it." A major point to make is that most young
people do not smoke, drink, inhale or use illicit substances.
If you have a substance abuse problem and you are trying to find drug rehab addiction treatment centers contact www.drug-rehabs.org |